book reviews, Jennifer Yu


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Wandering around Barnes and Noble, in Boston, I found IMAGINE US HAPPY. At first, it was the title and its choice of words that drew me to the book, but the simple premise of the storyline made me spend $19 on it. The simplicity of which this story is, is something I think we all forget to think about. When we think back on our first relationship, we think about the thrill of the fall, rather than the hurt of the heartbreak. IMAGINE US HAPPY doesn’t give you a chance to only focus on the happy, because its first chapter is the heartbreak. 

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** It was only a matter of time before this happened, that we got here, and that we were talking about THE DARKEST STAR. It was a massive challenge to get the book to my branch of Waterstones, that I was genuinely prepared to buy a copy in Barnes and Noble when we was in either Boston or New York in January. I am however, massively happy that the book finally arrived in the shop (after many follow-ups, and my impatience) and i got to read it! So now, here we are talking about it!  

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** We’ve finally made it to the conclusion of the Lux Series, and aren’t we all a tad excited? Yes, no, just me? Definitely not just me. Being the fifth and final book in the series, it’s a big concluding moment to finally get to.

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Back at it with book number four in the Lux Series, and it’s quite possibly my favourite so far, and for good reason. In this one, we get to be in Daemon’s point of view too, so we get to see what he goes through. It's honestly very exciting, so lets just jumpr straight in...

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** I know, I know. I’ve been truly awful at posting on my stupidly frequent every other day schedule lately, but this time i had a decent excuse; in my opinion anyway. I’ll set the scene; it’s Monday night, the night before my twenty-third birthday, and Jack and I are watching the new Dogs documentary series on Netflix. That’s it, that’s why I didn’t write. I got distracted by dogs, and I dare you to not have done the same. But anyway, we’re here now, and that’s all that matters, so let’s jump into OPAL…