book reviews, Charlotte Levin


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** I feel I should start by saying that the main reason I read this book was because whilst at work, the cover grabbed me because of its creepy newspaper cuttings, and then the first couple pages got me. I legitimately stood reading it for about ten minutes before realising you’re not actually meant to do that at work (bookshop myth busting - you cannot actually read at work, like ever). So naturally...

book reviews, K A Tucker


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** I’m a big fan of K. A. Tucker, some of you may already know this if you’ve read my previous reviews of her books (THE SIMPLE WILD, IN HER WAKE, TEN TINY BREATHS, BURYING WATER, BECOMING RAIN, CHASING RIVER and SURVIVING ICE) to name them all fo far; don’t worry I’ll being doing the rest soon enough. And so here we are, talking about KEEP HER SAFE as I just finished it, and I feel compelled to talk to someone about it who isn’t Jack grunting at me throughout my description. I got this book whilst in Barnes and Noble on my first real day in Boston in January. I went in knowing a couple authors I was looking for, and boom, I found her.

book reviews, Colleen Hoover


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Well, hello there. Long time no see it seems, sorry about that, it’s really my fault isn’t it. A lot has happened between my CUFFED review and now. Mostly Christmas, New Years, and then my trip to America - more on that I suppose, that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to talk about VERITY and cleverly it’s written, and how much you simply have to read it, because of the afore mentioned clever writing and plot.

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Finally back to a Jennifer L. Armentrout book, and this time it’s not a part of a series. Oh no, it’s a standalone thriller, which will be your perfect read for this spooky October season! Unless you're a wuss like me, and are not into Halloween at all. Also because it brings out all the weirdos, and makes people dress terrifyingly, and you just don't need it in your life. Honestly, things that go boo in the night are just not for me. Never have been, probably won't ever be.