book reviews, Callie Hart


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Long time coming for this read, as I enjoyed RIOT HOUSE so much, I just knew that I would need to read another. THE REBEL OF RALEIGH HIGH seemed the perfect next read of Callie Hart, as it was similar sounding to the All Saint’s High books of being in high school, but with way more mature content and context. I didn’t want to...

book reviews, Penelope Douglas


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** So I’ve never read anything by Penelope Douglas before, and had some pretty good expectations as it seemed up my alley, and also because authors I’ve read and enjoyed also rated it highly. It took a couple days for me to read, as I just couldn’t seem to fully get myself on board with the protagonist, or the bully...

book reviews, Samantha Young


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** It’s been a while since I read or reviewed anything by Samantha Young, and honestly, I’d quite stupidly put off reading as I was a little scared to read it incase I didn’t like it. Completely irrational fear, and completely incorrect as I actually really enjoyed it and basically read it in a day. Reading a book you’re really immersed in, and continuously having to return to work from your breaks is a real killer...

book reviews, Callie Hart


**Spoilers Alert, Read On With Caution** This was a book that GoodReads recommended to me, and I read about the first five percent, and then stupidly let a few lukewarm reviews deter me from carrying on. I switched to reading THE HAPPY EVER AFTER PLAYLIST, finished it, and flipped back stumbling on gold. RIOT HOUSE is so insanely clever, thought out and intense! I wasn’t expecting the plot to have half the twists that it did, or for it to be so complex at times with its plot. I was expecting a bully/hate-to-love romance in a boarding school, and yes we got that, but also a heavily foreshadowed...

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Most of you will know that I love a book by JLA, as seen in my previous reviews of the COVENANT series, and LUX series, which are both phenomenal. I’ve actually owned WICKED for quite a while, and its sat in my TBR collection for well over...