book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


So I’m an idiot. Why you ask? Well, because I completely didn’t make notes while reading this, and like all Jennifer L. Armentrout (yes, another, I promise I’ll swap authors soon…probably) books, they bleed into one another seamlessly. So distinguishing where one book’s plot ends and where the next picks up gets a tad blurry for me. And normally I’d make notes, but this time I was so wrapped up in the story, I forgot.

book reviews, Cat Clarke


A true old favourite, that I can't help but hold close to me. The content is not the happiest of subjects, but it has real power, and umph behind it. A massive plot twist that I honestly don't think I'll ever see coming, no matter how many times I reread it. ENTANGLED is YA at its very best. Props to Cat Clarke.

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


Jumping straight in on this one! Jennifer L. Armentrout again as it’s the last book in the Covenant series, so why not? It’s emotional, fast-paced and made me sad, anxious and teary. Honestly, it got me emotional. And I haven’t cried at a book, in forever, so I’m going to be attached to this series for a while. Its evoked a lot from me. So buckle up kiddos.

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


Firstly, to get this out of the way, I highly recommend that before you read APOLLYON you should read the novella ELIXIR, just as this will give you some real context as to what happens between the two novels, and why certain choices were made. Also, it’s in Aiden’s POV so that’s a bonus. But guess who’s back with another Covenant series review? ME! Please don’t be sick of me, the series is nearly over I swear, and although that makes me really sad, my emotions need a freaking break. For real.

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


At some point, I’m sure I’m going to stop gushing over Jennifer L. Armentrout books, but today is not that time as I finished DEITY a couple days ago, and oh wow. Developments were made, and I’m very good at predicting where plots are going. I swear I don’t love and gush over every book I read, I just haven’t read any duds lately. But as soon as I read a shitty one, you’ll be the first to know. Promise.