book reviews, Kristen Callihan


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** What better thing is there for me to do when I’m ill again, and have zero voice left at all, than to crack out some reviews for books I finished weeks ago. I’ve been a very shitty reviewer lately, and that’s vastly to blame on how ill and gross I’ve felt recently, and just how damn tired. It’s been a bit of a mission, not gunna lie. THE FRIEND ZONE was an absolute favourite of mine when I was...

book reviews, Kristen Callihan


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Back to Kristen Callihan again, and this time we’re learning about football of the American persuasion. I somehow always manage to retain sporting information by reading these books, and it’s weird the amount of knowledge I’ve somewhat gained through reading the Game Plan series. And yes, I’m aware of the slightly unnecessary cover, but lets power through, shall we?