book reviews, Charlotte Levin


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** I feel I should start by saying that the main reason I read this book was because whilst at work, the cover grabbed me because of its creepy newspaper cuttings, and then the first couple pages got me. I legitimately stood reading it for about ten minutes before realising you’re not actually meant to do that at work (bookshop myth busting - you cannot actually read at work, like ever). So naturally...

book reviews, Hazel Hayes


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Often times, I dip in and out of books I know are going to upset me somehow, or cause visceral reactions that I’ll carry and hold onto for a few days. Meaning, I’ll read one, get emotionally invested and then cannot read something else emotional for a while without feeling utterly drained. OUT OF LOVE is not only visually beautifully because of its cover, but also poetically beautiful in its story telling. The plot structure...

book reviews, Ilsa Madden-Mills


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** First time reading this author, and I was happily impressed as I couldn’t seem to make myself put it down. The books aimed at 18+ because of some traumatic events that occur, so heads up there. 

book reviews, Jennifer Yu


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Wandering around Barnes and Noble, in Boston, I found IMAGINE US HAPPY. At first, it was the title and its choice of words that drew me to the book, but the simple premise of the storyline made me spend $19 on it. The simplicity of which this story is, is something I think we all forget to think about. When we think back on our first relationship, we think about the thrill of the fall, rather than the hurt of the heartbreak. IMAGINE US HAPPY doesn’t give you a chance to only focus on the happy, because its first chapter is the heartbreak. 

book reviews, Tijan


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** I’ve never read anything by this author before, and I’m not sure if I’d have ever stumbled upon them on my own had it not been for an instagram post I saw by Colleen Hoover a few days ago. It was a book group she reads with choice to read it for November’s meeting, and so I thought I’d give the blurb a read, because it had to be good right? Possibly. The blurb interested me enough to want to read it, but I found the books plot on the whole a struggle as it was a bit...