

Hello! I am still currently reading MY DARK VANESSA, it's just taking me some time to get through as it's so dark in its plot, and also trickier to slip in and out of during my breaks at work. I hope to finish it soon and get a review out, as I'm quite enjoying it, but I'm allowing myself to actually take my time because I have to.  If you don't know anything about MY DARK VANESSA, I suggest you look it up as it's both riveting and disturbing. Think; Lolita. 

book reviews, Jennifer L Armentrout


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution** Finally back to a Jennifer L. Armentrout book, and this time it’s not a part of a series. Oh no, it’s a standalone thriller, which will be your perfect read for this spooky October season! Unless you're a wuss like me, and are not into Halloween at all. Also because it brings out all the weirdos, and makes people dress terrifyingly, and you just don't need it in your life. Honestly, things that go boo in the night are just not for me. Never have been, probably won't ever be.