book reviews, Colleen Hoover


I’m quite excited to do a little review of this, as it’s the first book I’ve read in a while that I finished in a few hours. Literally. I’m pretty sure it was about four and a half hours in total, and I absolutely could not put it down. This is completely Colleen Hoover at her best...

book reviews, Colleen Hoover


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

I’ve read a lot of Colleen Hoover’s books in my time, many of which I haven’t gotten around to reviewing yet as there’s always something I’ve just finished that’s fresher in my mind. But none have been disappointing, and TOO LATE is no different. It was everything I expected a grittier Hoover book to be, and then some. That’s not to say that in this particular book, CoHo wrote a particularly puzzling character because she had some more needy flaws than your typical gal.

book reviews, Colleen Hoover


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Well, hello there. Long time no see it seems, sorry about that, it’s really my fault isn’t it. A lot has happened between my CUFFED review and now. Mostly Christmas, New Years, and then my trip to America - more on that I suppose, that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to talk about VERITY and cleverly it’s written, and how much you simply have to read it, because of the afore mentioned clever writing and plot.

book reviews, Colleen Hoover


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

One of my ultimate ultimate u l t i m a t e favourite authors is Colleen Hoover, and she is a brilliantly fantastic writer who knows how to evoke too many emotions in one go. I enjoy reading her books so thoroughly, that I always accidentally read them too fast, and immediately want to reread them. I’m looking at you ALL YOUR PERFECTS, WITHOUT MERIT and IT ENDS WITH US.

book reviews, Colleen Hoover


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t wait to shine light on all your perfects.” 

I promise you, and wish to inform you, that this review will be longer than my last, because I need a pure Colleen Hoover gush. She did it again. Wrote another scorcher, heartbreaker, emotional-rollercoaster, all the er words. You may know that IT ENDS WITH US (review here: is my favourite book as it hits such an emotionally deep level. And ALL YOUR PERFECTS comes in at a close, heart wrenching second.