book reviews, Josie Silver


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

“If anyone ever asks if I've ever fallen in love at first sight, I shall say yes. For one glorious moment on the 21st of December 2006.” 

Who doesn’t want to read a Christmas book in August? For some reason, I absolutely can’t and hate to read Christmas books in December. I think it’s mostly to do with me working constantly throughout November and December, missing all of the festive lightness and nostalgia, and instead face two months of bitter, tempered and rushed customers blaming me for things being out...

book reviews, Christina Lauren


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

This is coming from my day away in Tenterden, where I’ve holed myself away so I can write a few reviews without any of the noise or distractions I get in Southend. It’s become a bit of a continued struggle to be motivated, and so I’m going to fully take advantage of my quieter motivation, and cracking out as many reviews as I can whilst here. 

book reviews, Samantha Young


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Late again, I know, don’t @ me. I’m struggling with some pure unmotivated elements right now, and honestly, there aren’t enough coherent words in my head sometimes to make out or write down. I’m really trying though! So that’s why I’m here to talk about MY FAVOURITE HALF-NIGHT STAND. It’s fabulous, and I finished it a few days ago.