book reviews, Paige Toon


the minute i saw youATTEMPTED – COULDN’T FINISH.

I’ve read a couple Paige Toon books before, JOHNNY BE GOOD and LUCY IN THE SKY, and although I finished them, I can’t say I loved or even much liked them. Something about the general writing style doesn’t sit right with me, and I find it a tad soulless. I tried to read THE MINUTE I SAW YOU, it had an interesting enough sounding plot that I started reading it after ONE DAY IN DECEMBER, and that was a mistake purely because they don’t compare. I read about eighty odd pages before I just couldn’t anymore. It started to feel like a chore to read, nothing was drawing me in, and the writing was lacking any level of genuine emotion or feeling.

None of the characters had enough draw to them, and after eighty pages I didn’t feel like I knew the protagonist at all, and didn’t fancy sticking around. Probably won’t try another Paige Toon book again.

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