book reviews, Callie Hart


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Long time coming for this read, as I enjoyed RIOT HOUSE so much, I just knew that I would need to read another. THE REBEL OF RALEIGH HIGH seemed the perfect next read of Callie Hart, as it was similar sounding to the All Saint’s High books of being in high school, but with way more mature content and context. I didn’t want to read something softer and fluffier, I wanted something with a bit of a raw edge, and fangs. Something that really sinks its teeth in and doesn’t let go until its ripped a chunk of you with it. 

Alex Moretti is the new guy in school, covered in tattoos, riding a motorbike and the rebel of raleigh hightransferring into the school from the Sheriff’s office after being arrested, he’s the embodiment of a bad boy. Silver Parisi is now the school pariah. She was once one of the schools beloved cheerleaders, as she was popular, had her tight circle of best friends, and went to all the parties. Until she didn’t. 

“I’m not going to force you to fall for me, Silver. You’ve already been forced to do too much. But don’t blame me if I try and change your mind.” 

If I could ask for anything more from this book it would just be that Alex was a little tougher to crack, a little more reluctant to acknowledge his feelings. To me, it just felt too rushed, and slightly out of line with how he’s being painted. You don’t expect the tatted, smouldering, elusive new guy to get so soft and protective quite so quickly. Id have thought there’d have been a bit of resistance from his side. But, all that being said, perhaps this is just because it’s how you expect alpha male characters to act. 


So throughout the book you know that something has happened to Silver, that’s resulted in her being isolated and shunned by the entire school. Hardcore bullying style through the powers of sheep mentality. All her “best friends” are now her tormentors, and the boys all avoid her like she’s the plague walking. But we don’t know why, we just know that it has to be something bad, something so bad that it managed to sway an entire schools opinion, plus make teachers wary of her too. As the reader I assumed that it was something rape or assault related as it seemed appropriate to the magnitude of subject skirting that was happening. Typically, when teachers get conscious of certain students to avoid them, it’s normally abuse centred. And the fact that the school is so “unaware” of Silvers current school lie, and that her parents have no idea either, kept me gripped through reading as I just wanted to know, and then I wanted retaliation. 

“It was a boy with a clean record, a winning smile and a glorious halo who broke me. Ironically, it’s the boy with the rap sheet, a body full of ink and the dangerous glint in his eye who’s putting me back together.” 

All of the girls that were once Silver’s friends, I did not understand how she could ever tolerate them. And then the boys were just very typical ego filled jock boys, but some of these boys are twisted and malicious and the worst we as humans have to offer. They’re the very epitome of modern day monsters. Those who take what is not offered to them, take mercilessly, and take violently and without humility. The description we get of what happens to Silver, causing her outcast status, is sickening. What those boys did, and how they get away with it, is shocking and terrifyingly normal. The absolute shutout is absolutely devastating and oh so common in our times.

“She crooks an eyebrow at me, and I mirror her expression, making her smile.

Fuck. Me. Dead.

I made her smile.

God, how am I ever going to be worthy of this girl? I have no clue, but I’m gonna figure it out if it kills me.” 

The last, seven – I wanna say seven – chapter are where shit so thoroughly hits the fan, but not in the way you think! It’s so left field and blindsiding that I’m still shocked by it. Never did I think that this book would cover so many areas and topics regarding high schools. It makes me so excited to get stuck into the next part of the trilogy as I can’t wait to see what happens next, and see Jake fully get what he deserves. 

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