book reviews, Helena Hunting


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Coming into this book, I had extremely high expectations because the snippets we got to see of Ryan Kingston in A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR made him seem so clean cut and (I hate to say it) boring, in comparison to Bishop; but I was ready for the tables to be turned and a secret for a secretfor me to be completely put in my place for my assumptions. And I was, but not as much as I’d have liked. Kingston was exactly the Boy Scout you assume he’ll be, but he has a slight edge to him whenever he’s either had a little touch of alcohol, or if he’s particularly willing to hop in bed. 

“Such a pretty boy. So nicely dressed, so polite. So very, very respectful. But good God, get that man’s clothes off and get him into a bed, and it’s a whole different story.”

I have to be honest in saying that this isn’t my favourite Helena Hunting book, and that didn’t find it to be as strong as the previous books in the ALL IN series. I hated the nicknames of ‘my king’ and ‘my queen’ between Kingston and Queenie, and I was completely ignorant to this king/queen matching names until it was pointed out in the book by another character. I kinda wished that Queenie would have called King, Ryan instead, as it would have brought her tighter into the fold, rather than having her call him his nickname, like everyone else in his life, most family included.

I was also not at all keen on Kingston’s mum/grandmother. She was controlling and whiney, and I’m not the biggest fan of mumma’s boy, it’s a huge turn off, and overbearing parents are the worst. At least Queenie’s dad, Jake, who was present in her life wasn’t completely all up in it. I did enjoy Kingston’s relationship with his momster (mum/sister) as it was wholesome, friendly, and honest. 

“I feel like I’ve finally found my person. The one who won’t try to tame my chaos but will let me live in it and help me balance my impulsiveness with stability. He’s yin and I’m yang. He’s sugar and I’m salt.” 

And all of this is nothing against the author, the story was beautifully and hilariously written, and I appreciate the ups and down of the plot; even thoroughly enjoyed the book to the point of reading most of it in a day, I just didn’t meld with Kingston and Queenie. I like my men in book to be gruffer, sarcastic and not wearing chinos and polos constantly. For me, that clothing was a lady boner killer, and I found it hard to mentally move on from him being dressed like a kid going to church or an older man. I liked that the book had many high and low points, and thought they were handled brilliantly. I can’t wait to see what HH brings out next, and look forward to jumping back into the PUCKED series. 

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