book reviews, L. J. Shen


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

(Song to majorly listen to outside of the given soundtrack at the start of the book… The Archer – Taylor Swift)

Now, if you’ve read many of my reviews here, or seen my instagram within the past year, you’ll know how much I love Boston. I visited the city in early 2019, and have stumbled upon numerous books set there, making it my favourite city to fall into. THE HUNTER is set in Boston, and set to be apart of the Boston Belles series which connects to Sinners Of 46038707Saint and All Saints High, as we meet Vicious, Knight and Vaughn early on. 

Hunter Fitzpatrick was a big ol’ question mark as a friend to Knight and Vaughn, as he was so different to them, when we first met him. He was just a dudebro who was sexual and arrogant, but happily being in the background. Seeing him now, he’s still massively sexual but completely in the spotlight, and not necessarily for the best reasons *cough * sex tape with five ladies *cough* as the heir to Royal Pipelines, his families oil company. He’s funny and the absolute polar opposite of Sailor Brennan, contender for the Olympics with archery. 

Something very strong about this book was how strong the connections and creations of all the characters were. They felt real, and they felt cared for. Something I’ve noticed that L. J. Shen does is, she doesn’t create too wide a world for the characters to live in, everyone has a purpose in it. No characters are just there to fill a gap or fit the scene. Hunter Fitzpatrick in the beginning of the book is an outrageous, borderline disgusting man at the start of the book, that watching him slowly redeem himself to his family without having a complete personality transplant, was fun to watch. Getting to see the living balances of having Sailor as his roommate, the banter they shared, and how they slowly gained ground on becoming friends was a fun ride too. 

I liked how the main conflicts/twists of the book were believable and came about organically. I especially enjoyed the climax of Sailors plot, I also thoroughly enjoyed her dad and brother, their influence in Boston, and their protective edge. The first scene of Sam in the car with his dad, picking up Hunter – hilarious. 

Overall, it was a good book, I’d definitely read it again at some point when I reread the SOS and ASH series’. Looking forward to what happens next in the Boston Belles Series. 

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