book reviews, L. J. Shen


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Finally! After reading BROKEN KNIGHT, I was desperate to know what Rosie and Dean’s story would be, because through what we got to see of them, they were undeniable and deeply in love. Just reading their scenes in BK gives me a tight throat and teary eyes. So much love was felt between them, that it pulsed like a living being in the room; and for an author to be able to create that moment for them in another couples love story, it’s beautiful. It always felt as though we as the reader were intruding on something that we51HVU0Zlw8L shouldn’t see, it was too intimate to exist anywhere but between Rosie and Dean. And luckily, we got to see more of it, and its origin too.

I loved that RUCKUS didn’t follow the plot rhythms that L. J. Shen’s previous books had followed. It wasn’t seventy percent anticipation and the chase, to have them finally come together, fall apart, and reunite before an epilogue. With Rosie LeBlanc and Dean ‘Ruckus’ Cole, you knew they were destiny. You couldn’t ignore it in VICIOUS when you see Emilia date Dean, and feel that it wasn’t there for them, even have Vicious himself hints at it. 

“Contrary to general belief, stars don’t twinkle. There is only one star that sparkles that scientists can agree on. It twinkles so bright, sometimes people mistake it for a UFO. It’s not big, but it stands out. That’s Sirius, and it’s also you. You shine, Baby LeBlanc. So fucking bright sometimes you’re the only thing I see.”

I’m really struggling to write this because there truly are so many reasons for why I loved it. My mind’s completely whirling with thoughts and feelings about why this was so good, and what I need to write down to completely convey that. Dean is messy and arrogant, but there’s something about him that keeps whispering that he’s lost. That having his millionaire company and seventy two hour working weeks aren’t enough. That the women he picks up in bars aren’t enough. That nothing is enough. That throwing half-slurred sexual comments at Rosie won’t win her over, won’t make her want to stay. 

“I love you,” she whispered. “I love you so much that I hated you for a while. And now that I know that you are damaged, I love you even more. Perfect things are not relatable. Unbreakable is fascinating, but not lovable. You’re breakable, Dean Cole. I’m going to do my best to keep you whole.” 

I was so worried when reading this that Rosie’s anxieties over Dean being her sisters ex boyfriend from high school were going to rule this book. That the whole story would be Dean pushing for it, and Rosie refusing for the sake of her sisters feelings. I am so glad I was wrong, and that this wasn’t the case. Then I was worried that the plot was going to be Dean not taking Rosie’s cystic fibrosis serious enough, and was glad that that wasn’t the case either. There were so many romantic moments from Dean that I wasn’t expecting because of how douche-y he was able to be in VICIOUS, DEFY and early on in this book. But when he spoke, and wasn’t trying to hide his feelings from Rosie, or shy away from them, it was gorgeous. 

“You shine, Baby LeBlanc. So fucking bright sometimes you’re the only thing I see.” 

Dean Cole is the perfect mixture of man. Successful, cocky, whole hearted, and beautifully broken. He felt like a real, breathing person. Rosie felt like someone I wanted to protect. Every time her parents spoke down to her, or made her illness entirely her, when they mourned for their child who wasn’t gone, I wanted to pull her away.  To live with a life shortening illness is hard, but to be treated like the ghost of yourself years before your time, is harder. She was strong a resilient. She was worthy and better than most people will be within their entire lives. She was the perfect other half to Dean, and I am so happy I found and read this story; it will be with me for a long long time. 

“Timing is everything.”

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