book reviews, L. J. Shen


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Emotionally satisfying. Thickly plotted. Unpredictable. That’s my ten words to less review of ANGRY GOD. So so emotionally taxing, and hard to put down. I once again read it within the day, because I just had to know what was going to happen next! The plot lines were so deeply intertwined at some points, that t was have been offensive to the author
51317220._SY475_if you toon a break from reading. Vaughn was a complete vault for most of the book, not even divesting a lot of himself in many of his internal dialogue, which I respected. It committed to the mystery he’s been wrapped in since PRETTY RECKLESS, and throughout BROKEN KNIGHT. Not until closer to the conclusion, when Vaughn starts to fully allow Lenora in do we, the reader, get the full picture; and it’s heart breaking. 

 “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are a bit unhinged.”

He said “a bit” for the sake of civility. Truth was, you couldn’t be a bit unhinged, just like you couldn’t be “a bit” dead. Being crazy demanded commitment, which I certainly showed.” 

Another classic enemies to lovers story, filled to the brim with undeniable hatred – you can’t even call it dislike, because you don’t humiliate, bully and taunt someone you just dislike – for each other. Following their story from England in Carlisle Castle where they’re both young, and Lenora walks in on a secret of Vaughn’s unknowingly, setting their hatred in motion for years to come. We then get to see them reconnect in All Saints High as teenager, and eventually follow them back to England again. All while watching the back and forth of two people drawn to each other, but hating it intensely. 

“The less you said, the more you were feared.” 

One thing I did find interesting was getting the snippets of Vicious and Emilia’s POV’s to bring the story full circle. I loved all the interactions with Rafferty Pope,  he was a brilliant added dynamic to the Vaughn and Lenny fireball, and especially enjoyed this ONNNNEE scene the three were in together; about half way through in the castle, wink wink nudge nudge. 

If this is where L. J. Shen chooses to end the ASH series, I won’t be mad, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Vaughn, Lenora, Daria, Penn, Knight and Luna were a brilliant, dynamic bunch and I can’t wait to dive deeper into their parents stories with the SINNERS OF SAINT series. I’ll probably be uploading a review of DEFY pretty soon as it’s Jaime and Melody’s story, Daria’s parents in PRETTY RECKLESS. Cannot wait!

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