book reviews, L. J. Shen


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Almost as soon as I put PRETTY RECKLESS down, I knew I needed to read BROKEN KNIGHT, and soon ANGRY GOD too to complete the All Saints High current series. Whilst PR was mutual hatred and a lot of tit for tat in spiteful behaviour, BK was unfiltered admiration and deep rooted love in whatever forms allowed. Knight Cole and Luna 51+niL63UyLRexroth’s story isn’t one I think I’ll forget in a while. 

“Always. Whenever. Forever.” 

Childhood best friends and neighbours, Knight and Luna now they’ll always be in each others lives and love on another. The kicker is, they both feel it deeply the same way and fail to see that the other reciprocates the emotion exactly the same way too. Luna is mute, selectively so since toddlerhood, as she suffered a traumatic event rendering her speechless. Knight is her very best friend, and loyal neighbour, always inseparable and her defender. 

“Moonshine,” he whispered. “You fill up the empty, dark space—like the moon owns the sky. It is quiet. It is bright. It doesn’t need to be a ball of flame to be noticed. It simply exists. It forever glows.” 

Probably not a massive shock, but I loved this book. Something about L. J. Shen’s writing is addictive, and is quickly becoming one of favourite authors this year. She’s expressive, creative and sometimes, downright lustful. This book tackles some sensitive issues, but handles them with a seriousness that creates a real atmosphere to pull you in. Knight is lighthearted and boyishly in love, but hopelessly struggling with the realities of both his relationship with Luna, and the ongoing illness of his mother, Rosie. It was a struggle to watch him self destruct from so many different implosions happening. Meanwhile Luna was going through all her own trials and tribulations, and the two could never quite meet in the middle for long enough to actually see each other there, wanting it. The two are like puzzle pieces that won’t fit together because they won’t rotate to find the correct slot. Perfect together, but blindly trying. You root for them the entire time, lump in your throat, but see them not quite understand until the very end.

“If you love someone, don’t set them free. Smother the fuck out of them until they realise they have no chance of escaping. Yup. That was the sentiment I was down with, a method I was willing to try.” 

Their story was and is beautiful. For the last half of the book I was heavy with emotions for the highs and low lows of them. All the pain and hurt Knight is going through with his mum, compared to the slow building blaze of personal success Luna achieves. Opening up and feeling her way through speaking. If you’ve read the book (which I hope you have or ow will) the scene with her dad, in his study, with his pen leaking. TEARS EVERYWHERE. Thank god no one was near me when I read that. And the creak of your heart breaking for Rosie and Dean for her letters and goodbyes. 

“My heart broke, not because I was sad, but because it swelled so much at the sight of you, I needed more space in it,” 

I won’t say anymore as I don’t want to ruin it, but this book is splendid. It breaks you but doesn’t fix you fully so you’ll always remember it. L. J. Shen is a clever, emotionally jabbing lady, and I can’t wait to read ANGRY GOD, THE HUNTER and all the Sinner Of Saint series. 

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