book reviews, Jessica Hawkins


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

I’ll admit, my posting schedule is a little all over the place at the moment because I’m having some laptop issues so I’m having to write these reviews on my phone, and email everything to myself. Not the easiest format to get consistent, and good work across, but hey I’m trying. Today’s review wasn’t actually one I expected to do for at least a few more day’s, maybe a week, as I only received it in the post Tuesday. I started reading it after work, and finished it Wednesday afternoon (yesterday). I even started reading it when I’d already started KEEP HER SAFE by K. A. Tucker, so hopefully that’ll be next, and if not we all know I have plenty on the back burner to review!

right where i want you.jpg

There’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and it cuts right through the middle of their office. Bad boys run right over good girls like Georgina Keller, but after a confidence-shattering breakup, she’s determined not to let anyone at her new workplace push her around. Especially not the brooding creative director, a “bad boy of publishing” who’s made it clear she’s enemy #1. Sebastian Quinn’s taste for fast cars, late nights, and beautiful women may have gotten him to the top of a leading New York magazine, but the reputation that made him is suddenly threatening to end his career. And even though everyone says pretty, pint-sized Georgina is there to help, he can’t help thinking she’s hoping to land the final blow–and maybe even his job. Georgina can help Modern Man shed its bad reputation, but in order to do that, she’ll have to start at the top–and no amount of rakish charm or inconvenient attraction will distract her.

“Now that I know what it’s like to be with someone like you, I don’t want anything else. Just you. You make me mad, and for better or worse, I refuse to live without that madness.”

I generally really enjoyed this. It’s the perfect office romance book, and after reading THE HATING GAME I have a real need to read more of them; so recommends welcome! I don’t work in an office, or have romance at work, so let me live vicariously through a book character, please! I really liked the meeting of Georgina and Sebastian, how they meet in a coffee shop because it felt like that could indeed happen for two people who worked nearby. I have to say though, that I wasn’t overly keen on the slowing of the pace for Georgina’s insecure moments where she doubted both herself and those around her. An awful ex really did a number on her, and it truly was a recurring theme for her.

“I won’t lose myself again because you won’t let me. And if you happen to, I will light your way back to ensure you always find yourself. And then you find me.”

Character wise, I adored Justin as he was such a lad compared to Sebastian. He was all crude jokes and boy humour, compared to Sebastian’s more subtle approach in the workplace. I really have no clue how Justin has managed to retain a job at Modern Man, just since he seems to spend a healthy amount of time gossiping, lounging and watching Netflix. I really enjoyed the balance he gave the story, and actually kind of hope that Jessica Hawkins would consider writing a sequel where we get to follow Justin on his dating adventures.

“You feel like the lifeline I lost. Don’t tell me you’re weak. Don’t tell me your flaws aren’t my blessings.”

One thing I do have to say that bothered me, was the slightly inconsistent naming of calling Georgina both Georgina and George. She responded to both, and saw George as her work mode, but everyone in the office (bar Sebastian, solidly team Georgina) kept flicking between the two, and I can’t help feeling like in a real scenario that you’d pick one and stick to it. I just thought the consistency was a little squiff because of this, and would have liked to see which team each person would have fallen into. Justin was a frequent character to flip between the two with no real reasoning, same as Georgina/Sebastian’s boss, Vince.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was so glad that we even got to meet Bruno, Georgina’s Great Dane pup. He was a highlight for me, also the fact that the plot somehow involves Boston, is also a bonus for my little love sick Boston heart.


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