book reviews, Holly Renee


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

I think i’m going to leave this review a little shorter (and no sweeter) than normal, as I don’t see the point in subjecting you to having to read the same flaws as the previous review – WHERE GOOD GIRLS GO TO DIE. I think we all got a pretty good indication of how much I enjoyed that one. So here goes…

Nothing good came from listening to my heart. It was careless and irrational and became way too invested when I read a romance novel. So I put her under lock and key. I only where goodhad a few rules, and I always stuck with them. 1. Never get attached. 2. Always run before the feels become contagious. 3. No matter what, under no circumstances, never fall in love. He was a playboy who ran by the same set of rules. What we had together was fun, it was hot, and it was temporary. Until he screwed everything up. We were never meant to be each other’s happily ever after, but the harder I tried to push him away, the further I fell.

So this book follows Mason (the brother of Livy who completely vanishes in WGGGTD) and Staci, a tattoo artist who works for Parker and Brandon. Once again, the blurb is somewhat misleading as I’m not sure when Mason “screwed everything up”, unless this is referring to Mason actually starting to like Staci, then I don’t know. And while we’re on the topic of Mason, what sort of a playboy was he?! We see him basically interact with two women, and even that’s a stretch. False advertising again Holly.

I’m still a firm believer that if you were to swap out the names Mason and Staci with Livy and Parker, you’d think you were reading in their POV’s again, as there is zero difference in characters and personalities. I just struggled to find any progression in this book, and it just made it underwhelming to read. I also didn’t think Staci’s big secret was that shocking, and was written quite timidly. Any passion or confrontation that could have been encountered was skirted a fair amount, and any drama we did meet was lackluster at best. And again with the chapter heading giving the main point of the chapter away! So dumb, so so dumb!

I just didn’t believe this story at all, I was pretty unaffected when it was over and stupidly moved on to the third book in the series; WHERE BAD BOYS ARE RUINED. Tune in for the next review, and if you think it can only get better, you’d be only slightly right.

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