book reviews, Kristen Callihan


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

Some evenings I think my brain is going to explode from how many words I have buzzing around inside it; tonight it one of those nights. So apologies if this gets hectic and possibly jumbled. I’m the idiot who stopped making notes whilst reading books, and then continues through two more books before having to write their review for the book they read three books ago; so some confusion in plots is to result because of it. Reading fast is both a gift and a curse, poor me right? Anywho, let’s sink our teeth into MANAGED the managed.jpegsecond book in the VIP series which is currently filling all my musician dreams. 

It started off as a battle of wits. Me: the ordinary girl with a big mouth against Him: the sexy bastard with a big…ego.

I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I was upgraded to first class on my flight to London.

That is until HE sat next to me. Gabriel Scott: handsome as sin, cold as ice. Nothing and no one gets to him. Ever. He’s a legend in his own right, the manager of the biggest rock band in the world, and an arrogant ass who looks down his nose at me.

I thought I’d give him hell for one, long flight. I didn’t expect to like him. I didn’t expect to want him. But the biggest surprise? He wants me too. Only in a way I didn’t see coming.

If I accept his proposal, I leave myself open to falling for the one man I can’t manage. But I’m tempted to say yes. Because the real man beneath those perfect suits and that cool façade just might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I just might be the only one who can melt the ice around his heart.

Let the battle begin…

Having read IDOL and really enjoyed it, I definitely had to continue on with the series, so naturally MANAGED was next. And let me tell you, it was actually better than IDOL. No shade to IDOL as a brilliant introduction to the series, but MANAGED really throws you into the thick of it from the get-go. Immediately there’s tension between Sophie and Gabriel due to his not wanting her to be sat there, and her frolicking in the luxury that I’m sure is first class. “Jesus,” I blurt out, lifting my hand as if to shield my eyes. “It’s like looking into the sun.” “What?” he snaps, those laser-bright eyes narrowing. Oh, this will be fun. “Just stop, will you?” I squint at him. “You’re too hot. It’s too much to take.” This is true, though I’d never have the guts to say so in normal circumstances. “Are you quite well?” he intones, as if he thinks the opposite. “No, you’ve nearly rendered me blind.” I flap a hand. “Do you have an off switch? Maybe put it on low?” I couldn’t have written a more perfect opening interaction if I’d tried. I do however think that this is very similar in context to FIGHT OR FLIGHT by Samantha Young, but since this book was published first, I’m inclined to think that inspiration was taken from MANAGED, because plane rides just seem to capture sexual tension… Only if you’re a fiction character, that is.

Sophie is a chatty, bubbly and frankly, joy to be around. Whereas Gabriel is a bit of an ice mountain in comparison. Dressed like he’s come straight off the New York Fashion Week Runway, and the perfectly crafted face to match; he’s all man. It causes Sophie to want to fuck with him, which was causing to laugh out loud for a lot of the book. Having the book split between their perspectives makes it all the more enjoyable to read, as you really got to see everything happening from all angles. With Gabriel being the manager of Kill John, Killian from IDOL’s band (with Jax, Rye and Whip) we get to see him interacting with all the characters we met previously.  

“You know, I’m not actually comfortable being an asshole to women.” “Really?” I say, biting the corner of my lip to keep from smiling. “But you do it so well.”

Funny, sharp and full of heart-hurt, I’m counting down the months until I can reread it, and experience it all again. The cute nicknames, and back and forth flirtations make this a truly addictive read, that’s incredibly hard to put down. I do wish the will they/won’t they stage wasn’t dragged out quite as long as it was. Just as I feel this will be a theme with Kristen Callihan’s books, and although I like a bit of anticipation, I don’t want to spend most of the book mentally spurring them on. I do also feel she’s going to have the slightly overused pattern of: meet, want each other, deny it, deny it some more, finally acknowledge it and succumb to it, something dreadful happens, break up, and winning the other back, happily ever after. A lot of books I’ve read recently have followed this pattern, and it’s unfortunately quite predicable, but not a deal breaker for me. 

I just really liked it, yknow?


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