book reviews, Samantha Young


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

In order to get my hands on this, I had to send a very lovely and very gushy email to the Berkley Publishers; and praise the gods, someone answered! I am so so so excited to have gotten to read this, because it was pure Scottish loveliness! Samantha Young truly knows how to make a character leap off the page, and stamped into your life. Filled with humour, fire, and a conspiring universe, FIGHT OR FLIGHT is just the ticket for everyone. 

Ava Breevort just can’t seem to catch a break. After an awful reunion back in her fight or flight.jpghometown, she just wants to get back to Boston. When trying to get her plane ticket back home upgraded, she’s rudely overtaken by a very arrogant Scotsman, Caleb Scott. Their feuding at the desk soon becomes a feud on the plane as they’re seated next to each other on the flight from Arizona to Chicago. He’s huge, stunning, and blunt to the point of rudeness; and he brings out the absolute worst in Ava. When their constant bickering lands them in bed together during their layover, Ava thinks that’s the last she’s seeing of Caleb. Until he basically turns up on her doorstep. In Boston. Complete and utter chance brings them back into each other’s lives, so why not have a little fun with it? Simple indulgence will be easy as they hardly like each other as is, and Caleb is only stranded in Boston temporarily. It’s the perfect situation for them both; until it isn’t. When Caleb’s stay in Boston becomes permanent, Ava must decide whether she wants to keep fighting her growing feelings towards the Bastard Scot, or finally accept and acknowledge them. But there’s no guarantee that her risking her heart, means he’s willing to risk his on her…

This book! This bloody book! I don’t think I’ve ever taken so long to read a Samantha Young book before. I purposefully read slow, and made myself put it down after a few hours of reading because I didn’t want to speed up the process. I wanted to indulge a little and absorb every single word. As per, it’s pure excellence. Samantha young is one of the strongest contemporary romance authors I’ve come across in a while. She’s mastered her craft in a way that is so unlike others. Having such clear and concise characters such as Ava and Caleb is such a tell of SY, as they’re beautifully complicated and well rounded people. Caleb is the rugged Scotsman who gives pleasantries such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to no one, where as Ava is determined, well spoken and driven above all else. But in typical SY fashion, they each carry a piece of dark past and hurt with them, but have learned to bury it deep. Unfortunately, it’s just not deep enough. If I could have a Scottish dude call me wee yin, I think I’d just about explode with blush. It’s quite possibly one of the best nicknames SY has used in her books. I absolutely adored how much more the Scottish accent was written into this book, that it was nearly impossible to not read Caleb as that strong Glaswegian Scot. I dinnae think it was necessary tae make Caleb so bloody lovely though… Expectations of guys in the real world are just getting higher, and it’s going to be all Samantha Young’s fault when they don’t match up… Be warned!

If I could have any down sides withe FIGHT OR FLIGHT it would simply be that I wanted more after the end. I wanted at least five more chapters of Caleb and Ava, and I wanted to just revel in it. I simply didn’t want it to end. The ending initially just felt very abrupt to me, so this leads me to hope for a sequel, I very much so need more. And that my dear readers, is how you triumph in your genre. So my congratulations to Samantha Young on her launch day! For sure going to read this again in the not so distant future to tide me over. 

Again, thank you to Berkley Publishers for my advanced copy of FIGHT OR FLIGHT it’s available to order here or here. 


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