book reviews, Samantha Young


**Spoilers Ahead, Read On With Caution**

“So, are you a hero, Cole Walker?”
“What is a hero, really?”
“I suppose it’s someone that saves people.”
“Yeah, I suppose it is.”
“So, do you save people?”
“I’m only fifteen. Give me a chance.”

Onwards dear readers, we are continuing on in the ON DUBLIN STREET series, and I hope you’re as happy about this as I am. Because if not, oh well!

ECHOES OF SCOTLAND STREET is where Cole Walker (Jo’s younger brother who we first meet as a fourteen year old boy in DOWN LONDON ROAD) and Shannon MacLeod first echoes of scotland streetmeet. They’re fifteen and it’s a chance encounter on the porches of their respective family members houses. It’s an instant connection, but Shannon’s waiting to be picked up by her boyfriend, and Cole is struck at the sight of her. Shannon is a mess of gorgeous red, curly hair, violet eyes, and a tiny body; she’s a wee fairy. They don’t meet again until they’re in their early twenties, and Shannon is interviewing to do the admin for the tattoo parlour, INKarnate. This happens to be the shop that Cole tattoo’s at, and also manages. They recognise each other on site, but Shannon chooses to play unaware, as Cole now represents everything she doesn’t want and is avoiding in a man. A bad boy. 

Cole Walker has never been anything but loyal and committed to his girlfriends. A guy who openly admits to not going for one night stands, and not doing casual, just can’t seem to convince Shannon of this. She’s so determined to see Cole as the bad boy (can I just take now as a moment to solidly state that I hate the term “bad boy”. It sounds so unbelievably dumb and juvenile, and should not be mentioned in regards to anyone. Doesn’t make me think of a hunk, makes me think of a cringey dude in leathers wanting to be perceived as tough. Anyway…) he appears to be. Oh how wrong she is. Something in Shannon’s past is holding her back, and it’s toxic for the pair of them. 

I was so excited to get to finally read Cole’s romance, because he’s always been the younger brother of Jo in the background of the plots; a subplot in the tribe of Dublin Street. Seeing him grow up into such a lovely guy, who just happens to be smokin’ and have a dope job, is equally as enticing. Can’t lie, if he were real I’d be wanting a tattoo from him! Shannon however, I liked her, but at times found her to be a tid-bit hurtful and overly presumptuous. It wasn’t an attractive quality of hers, and was really quite discrediting. I comply understood her initial reactions to Cole because of his appearance, and because of her past experiences; but her so quickly judging a book by it’s cover, and then acting rude and icy to her superior at work was just immature. 

As a couple, I thought they worked, and loved getting to see them properly interact without Shannon being a massive tool. And I also loved the extravagant cast of characters surrounding them. As always, it warmed my heart to get to see Braden, Joss, Cam, Jo, Nate, Olivia, Marco, Hannah, Elodie, Clark and all the various kids from the couples again, as I’ve really never read a series like it before. A series that makes you feel so integrated with the characters and their lives, that it’s like you’re sat on the sofa having a glass o’wine and a goss with them. 

By all means you can read any of the previous novels on their own or out of order should you want to, (blasphemy) but it really wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense, nor be fun, and also it’s create so may spoilers and plot holes for you… Actually, I take back what I said. Start with ON DUBLIN STREET, and if you’re already somewhere in the series, keep going in order! Novella’s too!

Samantha Young, I will hopefully be coming to Edinburgh in 2019 because of you. My bank, and traveller heart, thanks you. 


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